According to a treatise published in Nature on Tuesday, a machine learning program was able to identify the crater where the ancient Black Beauty meteorite occurred. Black Beauty, also known as the Meteorite NWA 7034, was discovered in Africa in 2011. It is the only Martian meteorite ever discovered and is a fusion of multiple types of Martian rocks. Other Martian meteorites contain only one type of rock. Researchers named the crater Karratha after the city of Karratha in Pilbara, Western Australia. With this discovery, scientists have discovered some of the oldest terrestrial rocks, as well as the origin of black. It gives a window to what the planet’s early environment looked like, as well as its beauty. Black Beauty was born 4.48 billion years ago. Researchers called it “a true window to the planet’s earliest environment, including the Earth, which our planet lost due to plate tectonics and erosion.” It uses one of the fastest supercomputers in the Southern Hemisphere and a custom machine. By learning the algorithm, researchers hope to eventually discover the origins of other Martian meteorites. Ultimately, I’d like to change the algorithm to set the direction for discovering the secrets of the Moon and Mercury. The project was led by Curtin University in Perth, Australia, with the participation of experts from the University of Paris Sacre, the Paris Observatory and the National Museum of Natural History. Naturel, French National Center for Scientific Research, Felix Ufeboigny University on the Ivory Coast, Northern Arizona University, Rutgers University.