According to a report by Markets and Markets, the market worth of deep learning applications was estimated at USD 2.28 billion in 2017. However, the number is expected to see massive growth in the near future. By the end of 2023, it is expected that the market value of deep learning applications will cross USD 18.16 billion.
We have all witnessed and accepted that artificial intelligence is becoming advanced and is undoubtedly the future. Well, this thought of rapid advancement in technology wouldn’t have been a reality a few decades ago. In recent times, applications based on deep learning have proven to be highly promising. With each passing day, this concept is becoming stronger and more efficient. This advanced and rapid transformation is concrete proof that we have already stepped into the advanced world. We stand firm with some marvelous innovations, which include virtual reality, self-driving cars, Siri and Alexa, Google Assistant, VR Oculus, and many other models that have set the benchmark high for our future. In the current scenario, we are seeing slick mobile apps that are truly super convenient to use and are really efficient too! It is really unimaginable to even think about what this technology has in store for us in the near future! Even though the custom cost of making AI-powered apps is higher than that of making regular apps, that’s not a big deal for us.
Undoubtedly, we are transitioning into an advanced era that is more progressive. This collaboration of humans and technology will lead to greater accuracy and security in our tasks. Well, in the future, the technology will advance even further, which will lead to a reduction in cost, making it affordable for both the middle and lower classes to afford these technologies easily. This is just the start of the revolution in the world of technology, which is led by deep learning and artificial intelligence.
Let us have a look at some of the most commonly used applications of deep learning in artificial intelligence:
- Self-Driving Cars or Autonomous Vehicles: We all have heard the talks of driverless cars and how tech giants like Tesla Google and Amazon are working on this innovation. This technology of self-driving cars is now a reality, all thanks to Deep learning! With the impeccable ability to learn from humans and machines, Deep learning as a matter of fact is using millions of data sets and is successfully equipping itself with the ability to understand, act and respond. Behind every successful robot, there is deep learning! We all have witnessed how Uber has become a giant in taxi services. Now, with artificial intelligence meeting Uber, the company is focusing on driverless cars along with on-demand food delivery self-driven cars. Uber is focusing mainly on broadening its business infrastructure with the help of artificial intelligence and deep learning. Talking about another giant – Amazon has been working relentlessly on implementing AI in its operations. The company has been successful in introducing drones in their deliveries and the results have been positive in many parts of the world. Well, one of the major concerns, when we come across any discussion regarding self-driven cars, is their safety. The creators of such cars are tackling such concerns by installing operative sensors to compute nearby objects. To make the cars safer and more accurate, they have also installed geo-mapping and even sensors from which data is used making the cars navigate through traffic effectively.
- NLP( Natural Language Processing): We all agree that humans do make errors! Many times, it becomes hard to learn the intricacies of languages. It indeed becomes a difficult task for an unskilled human to understand this in one go. However, studies have shown that natural language processing along with deep learning has attained success in making machines learn complex linguistic expressions. We should also take into account that machines take comparatively much less time in getting trained as compared to unskilled humans. With features like classifying text, answering questions, language modeling, and many more, it is evident that NLP has a lot to offer us!
- Fake News Detection and News Accumulation: In today’s world, TRP journalism and sensationalism are quite common in the media. Fake news on social media is now available every other day. But, now we know how to tackle that, all thanks to deep learning! Fake news can be detected easily with the help of deep learning extensions. With the potential that deep learning holds, it can even vanish every fraud and harmful news available online.
- Healthcare meets Deep learning applications: We have been talking about deep learning now. It is indeed true that this technology has penetrated almost every sector. Deep Leading has a very promising track record in the healthcare sector. standardization of course therapy, upgraded clinics, genetic engineering, rapid illness diagnostics, and so on. Although deep learning in healthcare is nothing new, it has been used to create creative plans.
- Colorization of Black and White Images: How about I tell you that all your old pictures of your grandparents and family which are black and white could be turned colored? Well, this is completely possible in today’s scenario. Deep learning works around this by applying a method to pictures that start with grayscale photos and end with colorized ones. This is sometimes referred to as semantic coloring. Before deep learning, this procedure was carried out by people. We all can agree on the fact that this old process was too complex and time-consuming! Indeed, deep learning has made a massive difference.
By looking at these astonishing numbers of applications, it is proven that the future of technology brings us to new heights and holds the potential of reshaping the world! However, there are many other applications of deep learning too. Deep learning is a revolutionary technology that requires more of our attention if we are to progress. With the above mentioned applications, the potential and capability of deep learning are outstanding! Hence, it is essential that we keep this technology’s capabilities under watch.
Author- Toshank Bhardwaj, AI Content Creator