AI is making huge strides in the global industries. Business leaders from all over the world are striving to deploy AI and leverage the benefits that this technology to ensure that they gain an edge over their competitors. Currently, AI researchers and engineers are busy developing self-sufficient artificial intelligence systems. Their next step is to attain artificial general intelligence, which will enable AI systems to perform without any human supervision and also compete with human intelligence. And it seems like scientists are quite close to attaining an academically smart AI system.
Swedish researcher Almira Osmanovic Thunström describes vividly how her team initially conducted the experiment by asking GPT-3 to write an academic paper about itself. It was a simple experiment to check how OpenAI’s GPT-3 text-generating algorithm could effectively write about itself, but the paper ended up being peer-reviewed by academics! The researchers commanded the system to write an academic thesis in 500 words about GPT-3 and also add scientific references and citations in the text. But they all stood in amazement when the system successfully wrote an actual thesis with validated citations in the appropriate places and for proper contexts.
According to reports, the system only took about two hours to complete the paper. It seems like AI might become a good student and learner! GPT-3 is certainly quite well-known for creating human-like texts, even though they are not perfect. But this new realization takes the dominance of AI or GPT-3 to new levels!