You need to become an expert at AI prompting if you want to make the most of the various accessible AI chatbots. However, it might be difficult to figure out exactly what to say to an AI chatbot in order to get the desired outcomes, so Google is attempting to assist.
The business last week introduced a brand-new blog series that offers advice on how to use Gemini for Google Workspace. Though the series is designed to guide working professionals through the use of Google Workspace’s AI assistant, the tips can be applied to virtually any AI chatbot.
In the first blog post, the definition of a prompt, its significance when utilizing a generative AI model, and a method for creating prompts are all explained.
“You must provide powerful prompts if you want to fully profit from generative AI. However, what precisely is a prompt? Google stated in the blog post that “you can think of it as a conversation starter with your AI-powered assistant.”
The blog article outlines four key factors that users should think about while creating a prompt: the task—what you want the chatbot to accomplish—the persona—who is requesting the information—the context—any additional data the AI chatbot would need to complete the task—and the format—the way you want the output to be organized.
This prompt formula encourages you to add as much detail as possible, which might be useful when creating an AI prompt for ChatGPT, Copilot, and other chatbots. When employing AI chatbots, precision is essential to achieving optimal outcomes.
Google has released an ebook titled “Prompting guide 101” if you’d rather get started on creating effective prompts right now rather than waiting for the blog series. The 45-page handbook begins with broad tips for crafting effective prompts before going on to provide examples of prompts tailored to the tasks of particular working professionals, such as those in customer service, marketing, and other areas. Again, the tips and reminders are applicable to all platforms, even if the booklet is primarily targeted toward Gemini users of Google Workspace.
There are many free resources available that guide you through the various facets of utilizing AI at work if you’re interested in learning more about how to make the most out of generative AI models in your workflow.