A programming language is a collection of conventions and terminology that lets programmers create instructions that computers can follow. The features, benefits, and drawbacks of various programming languages vary based on the kind and goal of the application. Therefore, the success of the desktop application project depends on selecting the appropriate programming language.
- Java: One of the most popular and frequently used programming languages worldwide, particularly for creating desktop applications, is Java. Platform independence, resilience, security, high performance, versatility, and a rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks are just a few of Java’s many advantages. Nevertheless, there are a few disadvantages and difficulties with Java, including verbosity, complexity, slowness, resource consumption, outdatedness, and stagnation.
- JavaScript: This programming language offers a plethora of features and advantages, including compatibility with several platforms, ease of use, adaptability, expressiveness, popularity, and a sizable development community. However, there are a few disadvantages and difficulties with JavaScript as well, including performance problems, lack of standardization, unpredictability, insecurity, and inconsistent behavior.
- C#: Readability, consistency, productivity, interoperability, modularity, portability, and support for numerous paradigms are just a few of the many characteristics and advantages of C#. Nevertheless, there are a few disadvantages and difficulties with C#, including verbosity, complexity, reliance on Microsoft technology, poor cross-platform compatibility, and lack of native support for certain functionalities.
- Kotlin: You can create server-side apps, Android apps, and much more with Kotlin. Conciseness, readability, safety, efficiency, pragmatism, inventiveness, and compatibility are only a few of the many qualities and advantages of Kotlin. Nevertheless, there are a few disadvantages and difficulties with Kotlin, including poor documentation, smaller communities, slower compilation times, and lack of native support for some features.
- Python: Python offers a wide range of features and advantages, including a sizable standard library, an ecosystem of packages, simplicity, readability, expressiveness, flexibility, portability, and scalability. But Python also has several shortcomings and difficulties, like poor execution speed and indentation problems. compatibility problems, some features not being supported natively, etc.