Here’s a strange thing: Quora has released an app that enables communication with a number of AI chatbots, including ChatGPT. The “quick responses” provided by the Poe app are available right away, but you can also use it to converse with a robot.
This is a very popular concept. Many individuals are confident that AI Chatbots will replace search engines as a result of the growth of ChatGPT. These chatbots are way too resource-intensive to replace Google Search, but they might serve as a practical substitute for Quora for the time being. Poe will, after all, respond to your queries far more quickly than the Quora contributors.
Of course, the issue is that synthetic intelligence isn’t intelligent. Any information supplied by Poe should be treated with a grain of salt because websites like ChatGPT frequently provide fake replies. (To be honest, Quora may be compared to this.)
In the beginning, Poe will only be accessible through invite on iOS. This will continue while we figure out scalability, get input from beta testers, and take care of any other difficulties that may arise. We will become open to everyone and provide support for all platforms after we have completed this step.
20 December 2022, Adam D’Angelo (@adamdangelo)
To be clear, Poe is not being treated as a “Quora replacement” by Quora. This app’s main selling feature is that it allows you to communicate with a variety of chatbots, although as Quora experiments with this technology, this may change.
Poe also appears to be a relatively “safe” generative AI product effort. It uses already-existing chatbots rather than retrieving data from Quora’s extensive database (which would almost certainly result in a copyright infringement lawsuit, as evidenced by the legal trouble surrounding OpenAI).