The most sophisticated Arabic large language model in the world, “Jais,” was released by Inception, a division of the Abu Dhabi AI company G42. Trained on an extensive corpus of text and code, Jais is a multilingual Arabic-English model. It can be applied to a number of tasks, including question answering, text summarization, and machine translation.It was trained using 279 billion English tokens and 116 billion Arabic tokens on the Condor Galaxy, the biggest AI supercomputer in the world. Additionally, anyone can use it and contribute to its development because it is open-source. On the Hugging Face machine learning platform, Jais can be downloaded.
The launch of Jais represents a major advancement for the Arabic community’s use of AI. Millions of people’s lives can be improved by using this strong instrument. Machine translation, which translates text from Arabic to English and vice versa, is one potential usage for Jais. This might be used to help Arabic speakers communicate more easily with speakers of other languages and to make information more accessible to them. In addition, Jais is skilled at condensing large amounts of text—from research papers to news articles—into brief, understandable summaries that improve accessibility and comprehension. Jais also excels at answering text-related questions, which makes it possible to create instructional resources like student-focused chatbots or feature-rich customer support apps for client queries.
Previously, the UAE’s state-owned Technology Innovation Institute produced the Falcon large language model (LLM), which is available for use.