We live in the digital age now, where businesses regularly create and manage huge amounts of data. The phrase “big data” refers to this vast accumulation of organized and unstructured data, which is growing exponentially as digitalization increases. Big data is currently in a state of constant development and innovation. According to IDC, worldwide income from big data will reach $203 billion by 2020, and there will be roughly 440,000 big data-related job openings in the US alone, but only 300,000 trained workers to fill them.
Now let’s look at some of the emerging big data technologies:
- Apache Beam: Apache is a project model derived from the concepts: of batch and streaming for large data activities. These terms are derived from big data. It’s a single model that we can apply to both cases.
To put it simply, Beam = Batch + strEAM.
Under the Beam approach, we just needed to create a data pipeline once and then chose from a variety of processing frameworks. Because our data pipeline is portable and versatile, we can create our own batch or stream. We have one additional option in that we don’t have to rewrite it every time we wish to use a new processing engine or handle batch or streaming data. As a result of the increased agility and flexibility, teams may reuse data pipelines and choose the best processing engine for the various use cases.
- Apache Airflow: Airflow has evolved into the ideal technology for automated, intelligent scheduling of Beam pipelines in order to improve operations and coordinate projects. Furthermore, pipelines are set using code, making them dynamic, and metrics include graphical visuals for DAG and Task instances, among other useful capabilities and features. Furthermore, Airflow has the capacity to repeat a DAG instance in the event of a failure.
- Apache Cassandra: Cassandra allows for unsuccessful node replacements without requiring any downtime, as well as smooth data replication across several nodes. It is also a scalable and agile multi-master database. It is a NoSQL database with scalability and high availability as its best qualities. Because there is no master-slave structure, all nodes are peers and fault-tolerant. As a result, it varies from standard RDBMS and certain other NoSQL databases.
- Apache Carbon Data: Apache Carbon Data is an indexed columnar data format for extremely rapid analytics on big data platforms like Hadoop and Spark. Its job is to tackle the problem of querying analysis for various use scenarios. It might be a variety of querying demands such as OLAP versus detailed query, massive scan vs little scan, and many more. Furthermore, because the data structure is so uniform, we can access a single copy of data and use just the computational resources required using Apache Carbon, which makes our queries execute considerably quicker.
- Apache Spark: Out of all the Apache projects, Apache Spark is utilized the most and is a popular choice for extremely fast large data processing (cluster computing). It has built-in support for real-time data streaming, SQL, machine learning, graph analysis, and many more features. One of the main reasons for its success is that it is tailored to operate in memory and can also provide interactive streaming analytics, where, unlike batch processing, massive volumes of historical data may be analyzed alongside live data to make real-time choices. For example, Predictive analytics, fraud detection, sentiment analysis, and many more.
- TensorFlow: It is a widely popular open-source toolkit, particularly for machine intelligence, that enables significantly more complex analyses at scale. TensorFlow is flexible enough to allow for the testing of novel machine learning models and system-level improvements, as well as large-scale distributed training and inference. The significant reason why TensorFlow is so popular among people is that prior to TensorFlow, there was no single library that precisely captured the breadth and depth of machine learning and has such enormous potential. Moreover, TensorFlow is highly documented, very legible, and is projected to expand into a more lively community.
- Docker and Kubernetes: Docker and Kubernetes both are containers and automated container management technologies respectively. Both help to accelerate application deployments. The use of technologies such as containers makes the architecture incredibly flexible and portable. Furthermore, by utilizing it, our DevOps process will benefit from greater efficiency in continuous deployment.
Banking, healthcare, insurance, securities and investment, and telecommunications are the industries with the largest growth in investment in new Big Data technology. Three of these industries are related to finance. And, regardless of industry, Big Data is helping organizations enhance efficiency and productivity and the capacity to make educated decisions based on the most up-to-date information.
Author- Toshank Bhardwaj, AI Content Creator