Global leader in data-centric security and enterprise content management solutions, Fasoo, unveiled Fasoo AI-R Privacy, an inventive AI-powered solution for data discovery and classification.
According to Jason Sohn, the Executive Managing Director of Fasoo, “data breaches are a growing concern, with various formats of unstructured data often being the weakest link in the security chain.” “Our response to this challenge is Fasoo AI-R Privacy, which offers businesses an AI-powered solution that minimizes false-positive results from traditional rule-based data discovery solutions while simultaneously enhancing data security and ensuring regulatory compliance.”
Conventional security methods have found it difficult to keep up with the rapid expansion of personally identifiable information (PII) and sensitive unstructured data, particularly when managing sophisticated unstructured data such as emails, documents, and photos. Using deep learning techniques, Fasoo AI-R Privacy offers a novel method for efficiently identifying and safeguarding sensitive data in various data formats. The advanced AI engine of Fasoo AI-R Privacy can precisely decipher the context of intricate words and visuals. In order to stop security mishaps, the system also automatically recognizes sensitive information and applies data masking to it.
Across a wide range of businesses, including government and medical institutions, which frequently need to adhere to strict privacy requirements regarding the security of personal data and image files, Fasoo AI-R Privacy is made to be universally applicable. Compared to current pattern matching technologies, an AI-powered data privacy solution significantly increases the detection and protection of personal information.